Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cupcakes and Dinner Parties

Because there just aren't enough food blogs in the world, I thought I'd start another one.

No, really.

This started because, although I have a full-time career, eight month-old daughter and active social life, I somehow found time to be bored. Never underestimate the insidious influence of ennui on the Gen Y mind.  My husband's suggested solution to my Emma Bovary complex was to find a hobby, which sounded remarkably like good advice.

I have had several hobbies over the years. I am always an avid reader, but was suffering from being in-between books at that time. I have tried painting in the past, but my inspiration petered out somewhat after my "spatter painting with eggshells" phase (don't ask). I'm not into sports, terrible at gardening and writing just makes me depressed as I wasn't bad at it once upon a time.

Two things which I do love, however, and am good at, are food and entertaining. I say 'food' rather than 'cooking' because I love to eat it and analyse it and think about it as much as I like to cook it.  I love to tweak recipes again and again until they are unrecognisable from their starting point. I love to make food that's inspired by different food and food that's inspired by other things altogether. And I love to entertain. I love the planning and scheming and buying and preparing and managing that go into a really good party. I'll put as much effort into having a few girlfriends around for a cuppa as I will into planning a whole wedding. (Really. I've done it.)

So, now that I have a legitimate banner under which to place the inclinations that my friends have previously labelled 'lunacy', I thought I'd find some place to gather my collective wisdom and experience and share it with anyone else who might feel as I do, or want inspiration for fabulous get-togethers, or just be plain curious.  All my food and entertainment adventures will go here, but I might as well warn you now that they mostly belong to one of two categories: Cupcakes, and Dinner Parties.

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